
Tibbiy asboblar

Tibbiy asboblar

Tibbiy asbob-uskunalar podshipniklari asosan tibbiy nafas olish apparatlarida ishlatiladigan, minimal invaziv tibbiy asbob-uskunalar, ultra toza suv uskunalari, tibbiy tasvirlash uskunalari, fizioterapiya tahlillari va boshqalarda ishlatiladigan S694ZZ, S623ZZ, S682ZZ, S684ZZ, SMR106ZZ, 6900-2RS, 6200-SRS va boshqalar. High Precision Miniature Bearing Auto Machine tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan tibbiy asbob-uskunalarning rulmanlari. 440C materialdan, aralash keramika materialidan yoki qoplamali materialdan tayyorlangan. Kasalxonaning tibbiy muhitini hisobga olgan holda, bizning kompaniyamiz uskunalarni toza saqlash va xavfsizlik va ishonchliligini ta'minlash uchun odatda ifloslantiruvchi yog 'yoki yog'siz quritish jarayonidan foydalanadi.

Tibbiy asboblar

In the key parts of medical equipment, we consider the life cycle of the equipment, and special treatment of the bearing. The safety and reliability of the medical equipment is a matter of life and death. Bearings supplied by FRC Small Bearing Co., Ltd. are fully capable of meeting the requirements for the use of equipment components and assemblies.

Operator and patient comfort is paramount in medical equipment. FreeRun Bearing takes into account the lower height of medical equipment imaging and treatment table contraction, easy control of equipment movement, and low noise operation. It has high requirements for noise control of bearings produced by our company. Inspection, imaging techniques and patient positioning to achieve precise positioning. Silent operation and absolute reliability guarantee the efficient function of the equipment.

As a key component of medical equipment, especially high-precision, high-quality, high-performance precision bearings are necessary for the medical industry. Today, many high-end medical equipments are imported from abroad, and with the development of FRC bearings Investing in the high-end medical devices has gradually gained an alternative strength, and has further cooperation with some well-known medical equipment manufacturers.